Precinct Conventions & Resolutions
Our work is not done…
Stop the effort to purge grassroots conservatives from the Republican Party of Texas convention process!
Show up with conservative friends and participate!
What you need to know:
Precinct Conventions
Your county is broken down into precincts. The precinct you are in is indicated on your voter registration card.
Some Republican County organizations hold voting precinct conventions at 7 PM as soon as the polls close. Some hold precinct conventions on different days.
In Kerr County, our precincts will meet at the Kerr County Courthouse on Saturday, March 26 @ 9am. The length of these meetings depends on:
- how many Republican registered voters attend,
- how many wish to sign up to be delegates to the Republican County and State Conventions (nominations of delegates – any registered voter that wishes to be considered – are voted on in this meeting.)
- and the number of resolutions they propose, discuss and vote on.
County Convention
Those resolutions that pass at the precinct level, move on to the county convention. Only registered voters that attended their precinct convention and were voted to be a delegate to the county and state levels can vote at the county convention.
The Kerr County Convention, will meet later that same day at the Kerr County Courthouse on Saturday, March 26 @ 1pm. This meeting continues the process of moving resolutions to the state level.
If you have questions on any part of this process, you can reach out to us and we will do our best to answer or at least direct you to a source for that information. Each county has a Chair-person you can also reach out to.
Kerr County Chair
UPDATED: Paul Zohlen
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Why attend your precinct convention?
Become a Delegate
By attending the Precinct convention, you can help build a conservative Republican Party of Texas Platform up from the grassroots level!
Warning: Democrats who voted in the Republican Party Primary can attend GOP precinct conventions and work to pass liberal Democrat resolutions. If conservatives don’t show up, while Democrats and Rinocrats do, guess what happens?
> Here is a handy single-sheet guide
Bring resolutions (see list of some you can use on this page) that address your issue of concern/support, to add or amend the Texas Republican Party Platform.
Get familiar with the current platform and see what may need to be addressed concerning your issue.
2022 Platform Resolutions
The Republican Party of Texas (RPT) rules require you to submit THREE COPIES of each resolution at your precinct convention. Bring your conservative friends (who voted in the Republican Primary) with you to your voting precinct convention to help get your resolutions approved!
These will then go to your Senate District or County Convention for consideration. If approved at the Senate District/County Convention level, they will go on to the State Republican Platform Committee for consideration.
You may download and print these resolutions or please take the initiative and write your own – using any of these as a guide: