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Election Integrity Action Needed

Election Integrity Action Needed

A C T I O N   I T E M   T W O
Do you want non-citizens voting in the presidential election? If your answer is ’No,’ here’s what you need to do IMMEDIATELY!

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County Budget Feedback Needed Now

County Budget Feedback Needed Now

A C T I O N   I T E M   T H R E E
Other budget concerns involve public transit, more employee pay raises and, generally, increasing spending, which, in turn, means higher property taxes.

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Prayer Gathering

Saturday, August 3
@ 1 PM 

Zion Lutheran Church

624 Barnett St (off Hwy 16), Kerrville

1-2 pm in the conference room.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

LIA MeetUp

Wednesday, August 7

6:00 pm

Meeting location:

Acapulco Mexican Restaurant

Come support this local business!
5:30 pm – Order your food
6:00 – 7:30 pm – Meeting

Always focusing on current issues affecting our community. Please join us!
We look forward to connecting with you! 

FTP Annual Fundraiser

Boots & BBQ

Saturday, September 14

Doors open 4:00 pm


VIDEO Content to Share

Grassroots America We the People™ has created these 2 minute videos for re-use and sharing. Use them to help convince others – including legislators – that we must protect Texas with the right policies.




I block walked for the municipal elections on Saturday and spoke with a man who wasn’t happy when I told him that I couldn’t have shared with him if he had had a ‘no soliciting’ sign on his door. He wasn’t happy when

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Embrace the Victory

Embrace the Victory

Contrary to the spin of Kerrville Forward, the Political Action Committee (PAC) started by Democrats and liberal, RINOcrat Republicans, and the local media narrative, We the People – Liberty in Action just scored some major wins.

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Time for New City Leadership

Time for New City Leadership

Within the last 18 months or so several hot topic issues have come before the Kerrville City Council that the outcome should have reflected the community’s values…

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We the People, Liberty in Action

seek to preserve our God-given rights as protected under the Texas & US Constitutions.

We are People who seek truth and work to hold state and local government accountable to the people. We encourage individual responsibility and self-governance as intended by our country’s founders.


We must keep Texas Hill Country Values…

  • Personal Responsibility
  • Fiscal Accountability
  • Limited Government
  • Rule of Law
  • State Sovereignty
  • God-given Rights
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Texas & America First

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