Kerr County Commissioners weigh in on Library issue
The City Council made it clear at their meeting on November 8 that they will not remove any of the obscenity from the children’s section.
This past Monday, November 14, many citizens showed up to Kerr County Commissioners’ Court to once again request that their tax dollars no longer be used to subsidize the Kerrville city library. Unfortunately, there were still citizens that showed up defending the City Council’s actions. Kerr County Judge Kelly limited the public testimony to thirty minutes per side of the issue.
There is a long-standing agreement between the City of Kerrville and Kerr County to exchange access to the City Library for county residents, with animal services provided by the County. The Commissioners have considered renegotiating this contract with the City for a while.
After hearing public testimony, the Commissioners voted 3-2 to give the City 120 days to renegotiate the contract.
Voted to renegotiate the contract:
Belew, Harris, and Letz
Voted to keep the contract with city:
Gipson and Kelly
This is a step in the right direction. We pray and hope that the hearts of the city council members will soften and decide to protect the innocence of children. If the City does not renegotiate within that time, the contract will expire.
Watch the Kerr County Commissioners meeting
Kerrville City Council meetings are twice a month – 2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 6 pm
(NOTE – For Nov & Dec only – They meet only the first Tuesdays due to holidays.)
Please come. If we all go away, this will go under the carpet.
Please arrive a few minutes early, and plan to speak if you are able.
Kerr County Commissioners meetings are twice a month – 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 9 am
Please come. Share your thoughts on this issue.
Please arrive a few minutes early, and plan to speak if you are able.
Let’s keep the heat up!
Email, call, speak and let’s win!
If we cannot get pornography and pedophilic and sexualized books out of the children’s areas of the library – what can we do? They are after our children, and they must not win.
Keep calling and emailing the commissioners, city council and management, and library. The majority of the commissioners are still on the right side of this, but we want to keep it loud and clear that this isn’t going away. (contact info for all are below)
Kerrville City Council & City Manager
Mayor Eychner
Councilman Garcia
Councilwoman Clarkson
Councilman Herring
Councilwoman Hughes
City Manager Hoppe
Kerr County Commissioners Court
Judge Kelly
Commissioner Belew
Commissioner Gipson
Commissioner Letz
Commissioner Harris