Prayer Walk in Kerrville

Prayer Walk in Kerrville

God is more than able to change hearts and minds, and that everything we see happen has been orchestrated for His glory and the good of those who love Him. This is a fundamental belief of We the People – Liberty in Action. In light of this, WTP-LIA organized a...
The Fight Isn’t Going Away, and Neither are We!

The Fight Isn’t Going Away, and Neither are We!

UPDATE Kerrville Library Sexualizing Our Children The fight isn’t going away, and neither are we! The fight is ongoing and we are gaining momentum as more people in our community are waking up to the filth that has silently seeped into our children’s...
Protest Follow-up and Issue Update

Protest Follow-up and Issue Update

UPDATE Sexualized Children’s Books at the Kerrville Library Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who came out to the city council meeting Tuesday night, as well as all of you who listened online! It was an eye-opening meeting for many, as you got to...